Not Gonna Talk about the Super Bowl…


Thought about writing a Blog titled, “Post Super Bowl Blues,” but I don’t have them. I woke up, ready for another week. No lost sleep over the 49ers loss. Or tossing and turning over that near four-second, end of the game, turn around. An exciting finish!

Not gonna write about the many great commercials this year! Loved the Clydesdale horsey one. I’m sappy sentimental like that. My kids really liked the “cream/cookie” Oreo library battle one. And then there was very touching shout out to God and farmers by Chrysler! And who couldn’t love a daddy who dresses up for his little girl who wants to play princess, even if Doritos do little more for me than turn my fingertips orange. Yeah, not exactly a fan. ย 

Could talk about how Twitter has changed my whole experience of sports watching, because when anything happens, and I mean any-thing, someone invariably has an opinion and throws it up on Twitter. And I can agree by favoriting it, I can retweet it, or I can reply to it. Or I can just smile and proceed to tweet my own two cents. Its like being at two parties at once. For us easily distracted types, this option is like a drug to me. Because there’s no pressure. Tweet if you like. Walk away when you want to.

A good friend emailed me shortly after the game and told me that from all my Facebook posts, it seemed like I was really into the game. Truth be told, I was just being my social self. Throwing out little one liners for fun. Did not care if I got a million likes. Just knowing someone out there might smile when they read the streams of random thoughts that flow through my head is enough. And even if no one read them, I can say that having the options to tweet and update my FB status actually kept me from talking too much. And when you’re watching a sports event with guys, as a girl, I know how much they hate it when the girl asks questions and comments on random things like the color combination of the uniforms or the random sign being held up by a fan.

Absolutely refuse to talk about the yummy finger foods that I ate one too many of last night. Especially the bite-size Reubens topped with a pickle and homemade Dijon sauce. Okay, maybe three bites. I confess I ate two for breakfast. My friend sent me home with some. I know. That’s a tad messed up. But they don’t taste half bad cold.

So, I’m not going to blog about the Super Bowl. Really, I’m not.
Happy Monday, all. Back to life. Life post the Bowl that was sorta Super.

Almost forgot. Have no intention of getting all frazzled over the stupid Go-Daddy ad. Same old, same old, if you ask me. And as for the half-time show, I’m a fan of Beyoncรฉ’s music and after the Janet Jackson nonsense from a few year’s back, the wardrobe choices don’t shock me. I just turn my iPhone back on, tweet up a shout out to “All the Single Ladies” and move on. The girl can sing. Even if she lip syncs on occasion. ๐Ÿ˜‰


How was your Super Bowl Sunday? Were you on the other side of Downton Abbey, not to be confused with Downtown Abbey, which I know now does not exist? What will you do today to get over your not so bluesy SB greens? ย  I might just dig a hole in my backyard and plant a seed. Still thinking about how “God made a farmer!” <3

2 thoughts on “Not Gonna Talk about the Super Bowl…

  1. Haha, fun post, Raj. I was in and out during the Super Bowl. We were celebrating my dad’s birthday at the same time, so I was a wee bit more invested in the birthday party fun happening upstairs than the game downstairs. But I did pop in and out and watch some. I came away convinced that I really probably could enjoy football if I paid attention. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Get this, though, I didn’t see a single commercial! Nor the halftime show. So I enjoyed seeing tweets and updates with people’s hilarious comments on those. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Happy Birthday to your dad! ๐Ÿ™‚ Check out the Farmer commercial, esp since you blogged about the Farmer on line dating thing! ๐Ÿ™‚

      I did stress out my hubby when I asked him to explain the three points at the end, the whole tackle in the end zone thing. That’s usually when I get the “If you would just listen to the announcers, they’re explaining everything” speech. But it’s so much more fun to talk out loud and talk it out! Ha. ๐Ÿ™‚

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