The Dangers of Distraction

Hit the writer’s ultimate jackpot today. A wall outlet. In the Lady’s Room! Just when my laptop died. 

I had to wait for Beara to take care of business so I decide to rest my tush, cuz us writers don’t sit on it nearly enough, on a couch in the lounge area around the corner from the stalls. And the treasure of all treasure’s is waiting for me. A power source. My laptop exhaled its last breath as I was formulating my top ten list of ways you know you’re a distracted person. 

Not to be confused with the top ten ways you know you’re a distraction. Surely a Bloggity Blog for another day.

Here you have it…my own personal FIRST EVER Top Ten List: 
You know you’re distracted… #10. When your hubby tells you he’s going to shoot hoops days after an MRI showed two stress fractures in his left hand, and you respond, “Okay hon. Have a good time.”
#9. When you try to open up the doctor’s office restroom with your car keys. When they don’t work, you try using your child’s teething keys. Hello? Size matters.
#8. When you call your kid every name under the sun besides the name you gave her at birth. What’s worse is when you change their gender. And even worse, when you call them Hubby or Babe. Not Good.
#7. When you leave to drop off your child at the bus stop and forget that you’re still wearing your coffee cup jammies. And fuzzy bear slippers. And the pants are on inside out and backwards cuz you changed in the dark last night.
#6. When your eleven-year old asks for a new Mac, an iPad, an iTouch, and a Nano, and your response is “Sure. No problem. Pass the potatoes.”
#5. When your four-year old asks if she can eat ice cream for dinner. And your response is, “Sure. No problem. Pass the sprinkles.”
#4. When you leave the house with two different shoes on. And don’t find out until your pastor notices and offers to pray for you. This actually happened to me. Mind you—one was pointy and the other square-toed. But they were both black! Cut me some slack already.
#3. When you brush your teeth with Lamisil instead of toothpaste. The taste gives it away, but now you’re late. You Scope quickly, but the nasty aftertaste remains. If there’s a bright side, at least you won’t be growing anything between your teeth.
#2. When you pee on the toilet lid. This happens when you’re both sleepy and distracted. A dangerously gross combination. 

And the Number One way that you know you’re distracted…
#1. Uhhhhh…whu wuz I doin?
[Oh…Didn’t want to forget to mention: If you want to share your own distraction disaster story, I’d love to read it! Call it selfish. Need to know I’m not alone.]

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