From A to ZZZs


That’s what I woke up with on my mind.Sleep.

If you’ve known me for a day or a decade, you know that I’m a pretty chillax kinda gal. Not too much ruffles my feathers. And half the time, my feathers are under a pile in an organized mess. Yes. I have never gravitated to the Type A personality types, but I married a semi-Type A guy. The kind who doesn’t mind Spring Cleaning and prefers his dress shirts all facing the same direction. I still remember that fight from newlywed days. 

“My shirts are facing each other,” Hubs says one morning while getting ready for work.

“And??” I see no problem.

“That’s not gonna work.” At least that’s what I remember him saying. 

“If it’s that important, do it yourself.” That was me in my newbie married days when my mouth moved much faster than my brain. Not much has changed in that respect, but Hubs has changed. He doesn’t expect me to hang his shirts, iron his shirts or even wash his shirts. Problem solved. 
Well, as I laid down to sleep last night, I realized that for all the effort I make to be a relaxed, go-with-the-flow type mommy-wife-writer, I actually have one habit that not just whispers, but SCREAMS Type A all over it. Namely, the way I sleep.

At night when I lay down on my bed, I need three pillows. One under my head, one under my feet, and one under my side. I must sleep on my stomach, with my right leg propped up and my head facing away from Hubs. I also need the room to be completely dark, so we’ve duct-taped across the fan light, the AC light, and my cell phone must be face down. And finally, I cannot sleep without some kind of background noise. And if I’m in a situation where that is not an option—say camping in the woods where quiet hours are stictly enforced—I resort to wearing ear-plugs to manage my noisy surroundings. 

But even earplugs cannot drain out the snores of the elite. One of whom I met through the tent walls at Devil’s Campground in Arch’s National Park. That was the day I wished a bear attack on a neighbor who had a bassoon stuck in his throat. No bear came that night. And I didn’t sleep a wink. Wahh.

When I stay somewhere overnight, like this hotel in Dallas, I think about my neurotic sleep requirements and hope my roommates won’t kill me for making some strange requests. Like flipping the clock radio so it faces the wall, putting towels at the foot of the exit door to block hallway light, and putting throw pillows over any random lights that pierce right into my eyes when the main lights are out. Last year, I had a roommate at my ACFW who insisted on using a night light. I was mortified when I received the email that she had to have some light in the room when she slept. I was too polite to complain. I just purchased one of those satin eye covers and I was good.  

And as I woke up this morning, I realize I haven’t shared any of this with my new set of three roommates. But for some reason, it hasn’t mattered. Much. In fact, it’s been so easy, a good friend lent me earplugs last night, for the just in case factor. I wore them. Just in case. And I think I’ve slept so well in Dallas, I might have to sneak this bed and pillows into my suitcase. Just not sure if it’ll fit in the overhead bin, which I had enough trouble with on the trip down with my shoes giving my luggage an extra few inches of depth that weren’t available in the storage area. Nothing like a few power-packed pushes and a wack! I got it in! And all I could think was, “Yeah! I work out!” 🙂 I will eventually check out a bigger storage like Boombox Storage so that I have more space and they also do delivers too, that’s sweet.

All this to say, I am good. Nothing but sweet ZZZ’s in Dallas on my side of the bed. Which by the way, thank you for letting me sleep on the right side so I can think I’m sleeping at home. Nothing like a good night of sleep to take my conference experience to another level of Fantabluous!! 

**How about you? What kind of SLEEPER are you? Light? Heavy? Tosser and turner? Tell me a story about the worst night of sleep you’ve ever had. And yes, stories with newborn babies are very welcome!! 

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3 thoughts on “From A to ZZZs

  1. I think it worked out to be roomies, even with my horrific addiction to a night light, wouldn’t ya say?!!! :):):)
    You are too funny!

    • Yes! It more than worked out!! Plus, when it came down to it, your night light need pales in comparison to the Queen of all Snorers… wouldn’t you say?!? Nothing like sharing Sleep Refugee Status to bond us as eternal conference BFF’s!!! <3 Raj

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