A Thank You Said and a Thank You Heard…

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“When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?” someone asked me a year ago.
“Junior year in high school. Miss Trosko’s class.” 
Miss Trosko was my English teacher, and she inspired me to dream the writer’s dream. She also gave me the courage to study English Literature in college. 
Well, I wanted to thank her for giving me that A/F grade on my first paper. The “A” was for content but the “F” for grammar. Like many things in my life, I peaked early. I won the class Spelling Bee in fourth grade, but it was down hill from there. I still kan’t spel so grate. Continue reading

You’re Never Ready…

When I think about the times in my life when I just wasn’t ready. I can think as far back as my first day of high school. My first basketball game when the coach called me off the bench to run the court. My first day of college was the worst. I cried for possibly six hours straight after my parents drove off.

And then there was my first day at a real job. So nervous, standing in front of all the sixth grade students who stared at me for direction. I still felt like a kid.

And then the day hubby and I arrived at the hospital to give birth to our firstborn. My water broke and I thought I had just wet my pants. “You’re staying,” the examining doctor told us. “You’re having your baby today.”

“Today? As in now? As in today?” I was in shock. She wasn’t due for two more weeks. I wasn’t ready. Continue reading