About rkpaulus

Writer. Mom. Wife. Basketball coach. Lover or all things chocolate. Winner of bubble gum jar! Grace is my oxygen.

Livin’ in a Material World…

Building castles. Building dreams. What’s your dream?

[Inspired by a friend who after reading The Hole in the Gospel by Richard Sterns took a vow of poverty with her best friend for one year.Their particular VOP is to buy no new clothes for themselves, this year.]

Remember that play “The Glass Menagerie” from high school? I can still picture Laura, a classic agoraphobic who never leaves her house. I thought of this picture as I skimmed one of those ten page magazines ads, and this one happened to feature amazing, geometrically-roofed, all glass sun rooms. And I wanted one. Continue reading


You know how some bands take a decade off and then emerge out of the woodwork with a new album years later? Three decades after my first published book, I’m making my comeback! Sure it was a spiral bound, poorly illustrated, typo-filled ten paged paperback in fourth grade, but hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere.

Someone asked me this weekend when I knew I wanted to be a writer. What was the defining moment? Miss Trosko? Are you still out there? Continue reading

Clumsy yet loved…

Half my sundae spills on to the couch in another failed attempt to multi-task! I quickly move the laptop and wires over to salvage as much of the chocolate and cool-whip I can back into my bowl…three second rule, right? God doesn’t want me to get fat, I rationalize—that’s why He made me clumsy!

Shortly before we left for our honeymoon to Alaska, my dad’s parting words to my husband of less than twenty-four hours were: “Please. And I mean PLEASE! Don’t stand too close to the railing on the ship. [He chuckled through the remainder of his words] Because I don’t want… Continue reading

Why Waterfalls?

Once in awhile you find something in the world that defines your purpose. For me, that discovery happened when I saw my first waterfall. I was less than five years old when my parents took me to see Niagara Falls, and twenty years later, I found love in the mist of a return visit to Canada.

The journey continues. The search is far from over, and with each waterfall that I experience, I learn something new about myself, about my world, and about my God – the One who creates each droplet and places me in the pathway of rushing water — to remind me of how His Grace Moves For Me! Ever Flowing! Ever Powerful! Ever enough!
And in the words of my favorite Disney movie theme song, “Ever just the same…ever a surprise!”

In Search of Waterfalls

The first time we shared a waterfall was on a trip with the Young Adult Group from our church. Niagara Falls. How’s that for the start of a theme for your love-life?!! We were clearly “falling” for each other in the most magnificent way! I seemed to catch him gazing at me all the time, and maybe that was because… I tried to steal a glimpse of him in the group without making it so obvious that I was hopefully and deliriously into this young man that God had so strategically put into my life. Two days later, we “defined the relationship” with a very deep and profound conversation that went something like this:

Him: “Isn’t it kind of obvious that I like you…”
and I finished, “… and you like me!”

Ten years later… Continue reading