Facebook Lent-ills



Anyone give up Facebook for Lent? I did. But not completely. Simply, because although some might think I’m addicted, I’m not. Sure, I might post a tad more than the average person, but I attribute that to the extrovert in me that cannot stay contained. And I simply don’t worry whether anyone “likes” the random things I share. I just share. And I’m pretty sure someone out there smiled, or at least smirked. That’s good enough for me. My five-year old actually gets mad at me now. When I laugh at the cute and witty things that leave her lips and whip out my phone, she immediately warns me, “Mom! Do Not! Put what I said on Facebook.”

“Ummm. O-kay.” Status update… loading… loading… complete. Oops.

I suppose it’s a tad criminal to steal funny moments from your kids and put them on display. But some moments are just too fun not to share. Just sayin… Continue reading

Don’t Do This When You Give up Chocolate…Just Don’t

As I thought of the challenges that I’ve faced in this last month, the hardest one has definitely been saying goodbye to my Grandma, who was affectionately referred to by all as “Biji” or “Mother.” I still have my moments. Especially when my ears crave just one more listen of her sarcastic commentary on life and all around her. Days before she passed, she made fun of my mispronunciation of a word in Punjabi. We laughed for several minutes as she gave me yet another grammar lesson over the phone. And then after she told about all fifteen body parts that ached, she said, “Other than that, I’m good.” And we laughed some more. Sigh. Will miss her. A lot. 

My sincerest thanks to everyone who has reached out to my family and me during this sad time. The physical and virtual hugs have all been received and help. More than I can express in words.

So as I sat alone in my house for the last couple of days after returning from the funeral, I’ve spent a lot of time reading since writing takes energy. 

But today, I feel ready to write. Something. Hope it makes you smile and reminds you that you’re not the only one out there who does silly things after you make a hard decision. Continue reading