ACFW Conference…Getting There

On Flight 6011 from New York to Dallas for my second ever writing conference. The plane hasn’t even left the runway and I feel a, shall we say, “Fortunately… Unfortunately” blog coming on. Ahhh, why not. If you insist…

Hannah decorated my suitcase for me! So I wouldn’t lose it!
Fortunately, two days ago, I thought to prepare the girls for mommy being away for four sleeps, so sat with them on the couch and told them, “Remember when Mommy went to her writing conference last year and we did FaceTime to keep in touch?”

Unfortunately, my third princess chimed in, “Yeah. I remember how Sarah wouldn’t stop crying the whole time you were gone.” Not exactly how I wanted to begin this conversation. Continue reading

Cobb Salad, the Soweto Gospel Choir, and my Writer Mom

“Is there an oil that starts with the letter ‘C’?” My mother-in-law asks me the other day during a visit.
“Huh?” I’m not following.
“I’m writing a story, and I can’t recall the oil that starts with a ‘c’”
“Canola.” That was easy.

My second mom, hubby’s mom, is a woman I love dearly. We call her Amma. 
She wears white Reeboks year round, layers like there’s no tomorrow, and drinks hot water when she’s thirsty. 
And the funny thing is, she’s a writer.  Continue reading