Zipping into 2012 with the letter “P”

Give me a P! P! Give me and E! E! Give me an R.S.P.E.C.T.I.V.E.!
What does it spell?
PERSPECTIVE! Yes! Perspective!
Okay, I’ll hang up my pom-poms before I get thrown off the page. 
How often have you told a little kid, “Eat everything your plate. Don’t you know there are starving kids in Africa?” I heard these words when I was growing up. Now I say them to my kids. Why? Perspective.
What? You don’t want to help fold the laundry? Don’t you know that there are kids in India who own nothing more than the clothes on their back? Hello? Perspective.
What? You don’t have time to go here? Do this? Read that? Did you know that a mother in Rwanda spends six hours to walk to and return home with clean water? Daily. Six hours! Just to have water. Every single day. Perspective. Continue reading