Pinterest: To Pin or Not to Pin

So now we come to the world of Pinterest in this week of Social Media Posts. If you missed them, you can always pop over to the Facebook or Twitter blogs and come back for the finisher. 

I have to confess, and I hate to step on any toes of people who are obsessed with Pinterest, but this is by far, my least favorite of all the Social Media networks I choose to participate in. Don’t get me wrong, pins are beautiful, magical, and often lead to oodles of fantastic information, all through the window of a picture. I love the whole visual menu of Pinterest and the fact that you can virtually shop yourself a cyber world of your imaginaray wardrobe, dream vacations, and meals that look so perty, but are too much effort to prepare. That would take time, after all. Precious minutes that could be used searching for more pins, re-pinning and commenting on pins you like.  Continue reading