Would You Let Someone In Your Brain? Pacific Rim…A Movie Review of Sorts

DSCN2653With Hubs on vacation this week, he’s had three main goals. One, to fix the tree house. Two—to sleep in. When you’re a doc, sleep is like water or oxygen, you value it with your life. And three—to watch movies and basketball, specifically Bulls’ games. 

Well, the tree house is under construction, and the new roof is coming along. Learned some new words this week, like gambrel, jig and truss. And can’t forget gussets. Sure, the house will look more like a barn when it’s all said and done, but the key is SHE LIVES! Yep, the tree house is like our sixth family member, and we’re so thankful the Town of Oyster Bay gave her a permit to live on! And provide many more days and years of climbing, swinging and sliding fun. And of course, Hubs is already dreaming of ways to make it bigger and badder than before. The good kinda bad. Does anyone still say that, anymore?  Continue reading

That One Thing … My First Christmas


[In Case you missed the FIRST PART to this story…]
If you’ve read my blog for this past year, or even for a few weeks, you’ll see that I don’t worry much about being out there. I’m very much a wears her heart on her sleeve type of gal, and I find that although I risk embarrassment, humiliation, and the occasional reprimand, the benefits outweigh the side effects. Sure, I might come across as quirky, crazy, or even a freak, but I assure you. I am not alone. You’re just as nutty, even if you’re hiding behind your laptop screen or iPhone. And I don’t mind meeting you on this side of cyberspace, letting you take a glimpse here and there of the madness of the worlds that swirl around in my head and heart. Because, ultimately, writing helps me to process, file, and move on. And I hope that my stories and words help you to know that you’re not alone. Because life can be lonely.

Alone is possibly the scariest word I know. Continue reading

What Moves You?

I wake up at 3:28AM yesterday to attend New York Leadership Center’s Annual Movement Day. Although registration doesn’t open until 8:00AM, volunteers are asked to arrive at the downtown Hilton at 5:30AM. Unfortunately, no LIRR lines from Locust Valley leave early enough to get me there, so I can either drive into the city and take my chances finding parking or carpool with my two friends and get dropped off at the door. I choose the latter, but it comes at a price. Sleep, of course. Because I have to be at my friend’s house at 4:30AM, and just typing all these before the sunrise clock times is making me drowsey.

As I line my toothbrush with toothpaste at 3:30AM, I notice my lips. Oh No! Not again! Continue reading