My hubby loves tools. I’m guessing most guys do. When someone says the words, “Home Depot,” it’s almost the same effect as the ways my ears perk up when someone nearby says, “Dark Chocolate!”
And so many of us *we’re guilty of this too, purchase lots and lots of tools, and then just store them up. To collect dust. And sometimes, we wait until something is beyond repair before we’re willing to spend the time and money to find a tool to fix it.
Call it preventative medicine if you will, but I say, tool shop along the way. Build up your inventory one tool at a time. And look at it as an investment.
Marriage is the same. If you’re serious about making your marriage thrive, you have to invest in some tools. Practice using the tools too. That’s how you get good at them. And they become a more natural part of your daily communication and relationship. Most of all, walk the journey of your relationship with a heart pointed toward learning. From others who have gone before you and are living out their vows with commitment, fervor and growing love. Year after year.
When we hit our four year anniversary, more than a decade ago, we happened to be visiting one of hubby’s best friends from high school. I remember like it was yesterday how his bride of ten years said, arms clinging tightly to her hubby’s neck, “I don’t want a mediocre marriage. I want an out-of-this-world, extraordinary, phenomenal marriage!”
I thought to myself, me too! Who doesn’t?
So over the last fifteen years, we’ve invested in our marriage. And we continue to do so. Here’s a run-down of my TOP TEN TOOLS we’ve discovered along the way and want to pass on to you: Continue reading →