



[Welcome back to Fiction Friday All! First short story of 2013. Enjoy.]

Had the same dream again last night.

I’m leaning against a leafless maple tree, deep in the forest, the floor a carpet of foliage-matted collateral from winter’s whispers. 

He’s here too. Camera dangling from his neck, sunglasses slightly lowered on the bridge of his nose, jaw tight with determination.

Close. Closer. In front of me now. Continue reading

There’s No Run like a Snow Run


Years ago, back in the dating days, hubs and I spent the day at the Lincoln Zoo in Chicago on a sunny summer Saturday. Or maybe it was a Sunday. My memory is a little fuzzy. What I do recall and what we joke about even now is how we came upon a sign to see the “Snow Tiger.” But the Snow Tiger was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she was napping behind the large oak or camouflaged in with the white paint on the back wall and we just couldn’t see her.

“There’s no Tiger.” My comedian friend said. “Get it? Ssssnow tiger.”

Now whenever we visit Chicago and reunite, inevitably something comes up that creates the perfect opportunity to rehash that old joke. Snow. S. No. Maybe you just had to be there. Continue reading

Don’t Miss Les Mis!

Shortly after moving to Long Island, someone told me I could get broadway tickets half-off at the TKTS line.

“The what line?”

“You know that line that starts in the heart of Time Square and winds around the corner and half way to MSG?”


What is it with New Yorkers and acronyms?

“Madison Square Gardens.”

I knew that.

“So, you’re telling me, if just get in line, wait a few hours till I make it to the front, I can save lots of money and get a chance to enjoy the theater!?” Made perfectly good sense to me. Continue reading

Fare Thee Well 2012 … Hello ’13!


 Copyright: Google Images

Copyright: Google Images



Hi All You Lovely Readers out there! 🙂

Looking back on this first full year of Blogging and writing, I am amazed at how much we’ve been through. Together. As I continue to throw my life up on-screen, you surprise me, time and time again, by returning to read about my journey, share in my joys and heartaches, and write back to let me know I’m not alone.

This past year, you joined me on many waterfall adventures, both local and across the country. Continue reading

That Moment When…

Photo on 2012-06-06 at 13.54 #2

Wow! It’s Friday. Supposed to be Fiction Friday, but this Waterfall Mama is on Vaca-mode and completely forgot to write something fictional. So how ’bout a compromise? Something sort of fictitious? And perhaps even funny, at times. Enjoy. And make sure to share your “moments” as well. Because I WANT to know! 

I’m a moment by moment type of gal, if you couldn’t tell by now. When I’m having a moment, I just need anyone and everyone around me to wait it out. Because, well, it will only take a moment. Hubby has been frustrated with me lately, because he says when I’m having a moment, the world around me has to deal with the aftershocks of my moment, whether for good or for bad. Often, it’s my external processing during a rush-rush moment that gets me in the most trouble. For example, when the morning demands hurry so snacks are packed, lunches are made and breakfast mostly down their throats before we fly out the door to catch the bus, this is not the right time to have a family discussion about our weekend plans. Just sayin. So, in that stressful moment, I have a moment. And like a hurricane that whirls through the kitchen, I cannot relax when the microwave clock just flipped to one minute closer to the school bus’s arrival at the bottom of the street. I just can’t.So, I have a lot of moments. And then I have to calm down and reassure each child that they’ll have great days at school, their mother is only partly insane, and spit used to wipe away milk mustaches is not technically unclean if it comes from your mom. Continue reading

That One Thing … My First Christmas


[In Case you missed the FIRST PART to this story…]
If you’ve read my blog for this past year, or even for a few weeks, you’ll see that I don’t worry much about being out there. I’m very much a wears her heart on her sleeve type of gal, and I find that although I risk embarrassment, humiliation, and the occasional reprimand, the benefits outweigh the side effects. Sure, I might come across as quirky, crazy, or even a freak, but I assure you. I am not alone. You’re just as nutty, even if you’re hiding behind your laptop screen or iPhone. And I don’t mind meeting you on this side of cyberspace, letting you take a glimpse here and there of the madness of the worlds that swirl around in my head and heart. Because, ultimately, writing helps me to process, file, and move on. And I hope that my stories and words help you to know that you’re not alone. Because life can be lonely.

Alone is possibly the scariest word I know. Continue reading

Twas the Night Before I Found that One Thing … Part One

Do you hear what I hear?
Twas the night before Christmas, and I am on the verge of starting a new trend. Suddenly, I am forced to reconsider.

You know how the mismatch is so in. Mismatched socks. Pattern on pattern. Clash of the colors. Back in the day, wearing red and purple was an obvious no-no. Now. Pretty much anything goes.
So I think, this is the perfect time for me to break out my earrings that I love, but have managed to misplace, lose or break one of the pair. I find two blue danglies, one a little more intricate than the other and pop one into each ear lobe. Wear my mismatches all day. No one notices. Think all I need are five people to take note. Say, “Coolio.” Tweet about it. And voila. A worldwide trend set in motion. And I will be an official trendsetter. One of my life’s serious aspirations. Seriously. Continue reading

A Modern Day Mary Christmas

Student working on laptop

Fell asleep in my jeans last night. Came home after piano lessons, basketball practice and jazz class. Hit the books after scarfing down some leftover lasagna. By the time I covered all my reading, pumped out a lab write-up, and conjugated three pages of Spanish verbs, math became one big blur of numbers. Hopefully, they all found their homes in the right spots and my Algebra teacher will lay off on the eyebrow-raised, head-shaking, “Mary, did you know…” because I do know that x + 7 = y + 17 does not make x and y equal to zero. Every time. Just when the one is dropped. 

And I’ve been dropping the ball in math class. But I promise to pick it up and shoot up a three percentage point increase on my report card so Mom and Dad won’t make me do times tables every weekend. They still think that if I just master the 13’s, math will no longer be a struggle for me. I told them, “I just have a feeling, not everything in life adds up. Like most people expect it to. That’s why math and I don’t get along.”

“Do you homework, Mary.” Dad’s response no matter what I say. Continue reading

Going Deeper with the Deep Hits Tour


So they don’t call me Rajdeep for nothing! I like to dig deep when I meet someone, especially when I like them. That’s what I get for reading all those Encyclopedia Brown and Nancy Drew books growing up. Somewhere deep down, I think I’ve always wanted to be an investigative reporter of sorts. But in the end, its people I adore, individuals and their stories, and when I am drawn to you, I just need to ask you a question. Or two.

Hubby, accepting this side of my quirky personality, in conjunction with supporting my writer dream, splurged on a V.I.P. pass for me for the Deep Hits Tour, in hopes that I could get up close and personal with some of the performing artists and write-up a story or two. Of course. Truth is, I’ve never been a V.I.P., and I had no idea what the extra ticket actually encompassed.

I arrived on the day of the concert and hubs and the girls dropped me off in the already assembling line an hour before the doors opened. Wow. Did that  guy in the front camp out last night? I’m glad I got here when I did. There are at least thirty or so folks in front of me.

When the doors open, I stroll in, following the crowd and adhere to the usher’s directions, “You can make your way up to the stage. There are no assigned seats.” So what do I do? I walk right up to the first row and find the one empty seat next to a big guy who is sort of spilling over to the empty seat and put my purse and coat on it. “Is this seat taken?” He shakes his head no, so I say, “It is now.” Continue reading

Deep Hits Tour … From Philadelphia With Love

When I met hubby, he was a junior at the University of Miami and a deejay for the campus radio station. Each Sunday morning, he had a three-hour slot called, “Music With Meaning,” and he played the latest and greatest hits from Christian bands, new and old. When I started to listen to something other than the radio, I thought the only faith-based bands out there boiled down to Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant. Totally dating myself here, but I had to be honest. I’d stick the radio for inspiration.The summer I met this tall, dark, goatee-sporting fella, he drives off one day with the music in his car blasting. And all I can think is, “What does that hot guy listen to? That sounded like some fun tunes playing on his stereo.”

Then one day he offered me a ride. And I got my first nibble into his world. Of music. He was into it. All of it! And he knew a lot of bands, groups I had no idea existed. Then when, the end of that first summer together arrived, too soon, we began dating and moved into the challenging world of long distance relationships. But I’m a writer. So I had no issues dropping him a line or two… or three or four in one day. Ask his roommates. I sent him a lot of letters! I was smitten, what could I do? So I just poured my heart out on paper. All day. And all night! Continue reading