Bus Stop Waterfalls…


So my fourth and final princess boarded the Big Yellow Bus today. She’s off to her first day of Kindergarten. And I did what all good moms and dads do on that first day of school. I smiled. And breathed deeply. And held back the tears till her little legs ascended the steps and her little hand waved at record speed out the window she could barely see out of. I don’t even know if she waved actually. I think she was too busy looking at her backpack on the floor. But her little friend Sienna waved. With a smile that said, “I’m ready world! Bring it on!” Continue reading

Sleepless in New York

“I need to make an appointment with you on Friday morning. At 5:30AM. Are you busy?”
I laugh out loud at hubby’s question. “If you mean busy by sleeping. Yes, I’m busy. But other than sleep, I don’t have any other  commitments.”

“Okay then. See you Friday morning. [The day is Monday.] Actually, make it 4:45AM. So we can be there by 5:30.” 

“4:45??!!” My eyes feel heavy thinking ahead to the loss of sleep I’ll experience four days from now.  Continue reading

Acadia: A Panoramic Perspective

Several friends have asked if we took any pictures while we we visited Acadia National Park this summer. The sunrise and sunset pics on Cadillac mountain were some of my favorite moments, but Acadia is huge. We only had four full days, and explored the park by foot, bike and kayak, taking pictures that I believe only capture a glimpse of the incredible beauty that surrounded us. It certainly didn’t hurt that we had four days of sunny, breezy, nearly bug-free adventures. And the one night I sat to stargaze, a brilliant comet sped across the sky, like the sprinkles on top of a perfect day. 

Swimming Through Clouds

Some things are worth waking up for… Cadillac Mountain, Acadia. Note the clouds on the ocean!

When a good friend offered to lend me a book on Acadia National Park [Thanks Caitlin!], I was thrilled. But our chaotic life allowed us one opportunity to pick it up: just as we began driving out of Locust Valley. We spun by her house and she drove up seconds later. She gave us one piece of advice on Acadia before we got back into the RV to officially start our summer vacation: “You have to try the Popovers at Jordan Pond.” Um. Okay. For the vacation, we might need the help of Global Bascamps tours, and I heard from my friend that they are really good. And that they do an amazing job portraying details of historical events in places.

I think I’m the only member of my family that can read in a moving vehicle without getting nauseous. Thus for years, I was the designated Map Navigator. When our beloved GPS came along [a gift from two very special friends from our med school days: Thanks Andy and Linda!!] I thought I was finally relieved of my job. Unfortunately, the GPS, like every electronic toy out there, has the propensity to malfunction at the most unexpected moments. Like when you’re supposed to take a major exit or else end up in Alaska. Yes. This is why hubby purchased not one, but two, road maps and atlases for those times when we need a second opinion, sort-a-speak.  Continue reading

Kiss and Tell

Fun Shadow shot of Hubs & I kissing on a Hilton Head
Island beach after watching the sunrise. 
Something happens when two people kiss. I’m not referring to your usual goosebumps inviting, butterfly acrobatics in the tummy, endorphin release. That’s a given. If you’re kissing someone you’re attracted to. What I’m referring to is an invisible weaving of hearts that occurs while two sets of moist, charged lips touch. 

In most memorable love stories, whether read on seen on Hollywood screens, the moment I anxiously await is the culmination of that first kiss. So often it disappoints. But every once in awhile, the story nails it. Perfectly timed. Perfectly orchestrated. And perfectly executed. 

When I was young, and the hormones kicked in, I started wondering, hmmm? Who will be my first kiss? When will I kiss a boy? How long should I wait till I kiss the boy I’m dating? Will I have time to apply a little last second lip-gloss!?! 😉 Continue reading

Meet Hannah! She’s EPIC!… SoulFEST2012 VLOG

Like I mentioned in recent posts, one of our favorite aspects of summer music festivals is the chance to discover new bands and find up and coming music to add to our iPods! Isn’t everyone looking for that next great song? Well, one night, while jamming to the main stage evening shows, one of the Security Volunteers who I’ve already introduced myself to says, “Hey, do you want me to get you an interview with the female singer of Epic Season?”

“Sure.” Who is Epic Season? is really what I’m thinking. But I love meeting new people and what could it hurt? If anything, I hope it will help me to develop my journalism skills and also give my readers a fun and new way to learn about what’s out there, musically speaking.

“You’ll love them!” She assures me. 

And she was right! Epic Season had their first real breakthrough at Soufest. Paul Colman on the Deeper Well Stage told them, “The only thing wrong is that I’m not producing you.” How fun!! Continue reading

Up Close and Personal with Rapture Ruckus

So when the Friday dance party at Soulfest comes to a halting stop, because the floorboards below us are breaking, every fan, except maybe my sleeping five-year old, is jumping to their heart’s delight to the mixing magic of Brad Dring, Lead Singer of New Zealand’s own Rapture Ruckus. The misfortune lead to my fortune…because the show gets shut down, I land a nice long interview with Brad!! And we all dance our hearts out the next day, at the outdoor stage, where there is no limit to how much, how high, or how hard we can jump on the Gunstock grounds during their big show. And what a show it was! I personally think a buzz was created about RR and how they partied so hard, the walls nearly fell down. Next thing you know, everyone wants to hear them and see what all the RUCKUS is about. Well, here’s a little glimpse into the life of Brad Dring, the man behind the voice. Enjoy…

Raj: Okay. We’re on. [Digital Camera this time. But not the best lighting for the video since the room was dim.] So you’re name is Brad? 

Brad: Yeah. Brad Dring. D.R.I.N.G.

Raj: Okay, Great. Awesome. And you’re from New Zealand. All right. So just a fun question to start out with: what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Brad: Oh. Umm. They have this flavor in New Zealand called “Hokey-Pokey.”

Raj: Hokey Pokey?

Brad: Hokey Pokey. That’s my favorite. And you can only get it in New Zealand.

Raj: Okay. Well, what’s in Hokey Pokey? Continue reading

What’s All the Ruckus at Soulfest2012?

Brad Dring [Lead Singer of Rapture Ruckus]
starting up the ultimate dance party
that got shut down when they [who are “they” anyway?]
 reported the floor boards were breaking with all the fans 
jumping. Hello? If they write “Dance Party” on the schedule,
don’t they expect the fans to….um…dance?!? No joke. 


Last summer, the night before we began our annual drive across the country to visit a National Park or two, hubby made a U-turn in our agenda and added a four day musical festival at the start of our vacation. In Wilmar, Minnesota. It was on the way, he reasoned. And it was, sort of. When I looked at the line-up of performing artists, I agreed that we didn’t need to spend an entire two weeks in nature alone. We could have an outdoor music experience for four days and then move onto our hiking, biking, and kayaking activities. 

But I was nervous about one detail. The crowds. What if I lost one of my princesses in a mosh pit. What if one of my nephews got lost coming back from the port-a-potties? What if there were so many fans, we’d be stuck way in the back, unable to see the stage?

Plumb’ing into a Sweet Sounding Waterfall

I have this crazy story to tell you about Tarps. Coming soon!
Soulfest 2012 Day One

Tuesday evening marks the night before Soulfest 2012 begins. We stroll around the Gunstock Mountain Resort grounds, hoping to hear a little preview of tomorrow’s bands and maybe even catch a glimpse of one of our favorite musicians. As we walk toward the main stage we bump into one of the Assistant Director’s of Soulfest and her co-worker and get the inside scoop on some of the changes before the start of the festival. 

“Jars of Clay won’t be here.” Her first bit of news is quite the blow. We love Jars of Clay. “The lead singer had a heart attack.”

“Oh no!” I feel bad for being silently disappointed. 

“Good news is that he’s going to come back even stronger.” She assures us.

“Do you know who will fill in their slot?” I ask.

“No idea.” 

Next we run into a guy named Nick who’s looking for a nut or a bolt to help put the stage together. He needs light since the tent with all the supplies is dark at 9:30PM. We are all equipped with headlamps so we offer to help. 

“In exchange with an interview with one of the bands.” I preface.
“You see I’m a writer. And I would love to blog about some of the bands and give my readers some fun interviews to peruse. Do you think you can get me an interview with one of the performers.” Yes. I’m bold like that. 🙂 Continue reading

The Dirty Dancing of Marriage

Waking up at Gunstock Moutain Resort in New Hampshire for our first full day of vacation, all I can think is, where is the coffee? The 11:30PM arrival the night before which involved some not-so-nice words exchanged while the GPS evaded us, seasoned the RV air with the perfect ingredients for sweet dreams. Not. I went to bed, exhausted from packing the day before and my heart sinking for the weeks that lie ahead. If this is how we’re starting our vacation, angry and miscommunicating, I just want to quit now. Hide under the covers and wake up when it’s time to go home. That’s how I think when I feel desperate. Inadequate. Hopeless. And just genuinely messed up. 

It was just a fight over directions, I try to convince myself. But under ever petty argument lies a deeper issue. When you’ve been married for more than a decade, you know each other too well to know when something is just a tif or a tip. As in the tip of the iceberg of abandoned issues. I tell him he doesn’t trust me. He tells me I don’t respect him. Tempers flare. Words fly. And in the small confines of the RV, every sound is heard. By everyone.  Continue reading