Mommy, What’s Twerk Mean?

AMC_8259Read the tweets and Facebook statuses of millions for the last two days if you’re confused by the Blog Title. And to be honest, I have no intention of rehashing the general schools of thought circulating, but I will tell you that they tend to side with shock and embarrassment; wow, you go girl; or same old, same bold.

I find it interesting that Miley Cyrus’ twerking got labeled tasteless by some, because Robin Thicke, the artist performing while Miley did her thang, is a dad and a husband. Last I heard, Miley’s still engaged to Liam Hemsworth. And according to those oh so reliable Hollywood reporters, Paula Patton, Robin’s wife, barely batted an eyelash.

So what’s my point, you might ask? Continue reading

Treats and Tweets make Summer Sweet!

No substitutions. Restricted to U.S. residents.

No substitutions. Restricted to U.S. residents.

Nope. Not changing from YAfiction to Poetry, so my rhyming skills will MOSTly stop at the title. BUT,

You must know,

If you go,

To PlaylistFiction dot com,

Su-weet stuff from TOM-

-my Hilfiger is waiting to be won!

And you don’t even have to run

a marathon or climb a wall

or dress up for a ball

or go to the mall.


hashtag: #playlistfiction

hashtag: #playlistfiction

If you pop over to Twitter Thurs night,

With a post-it pad ready to write

a little note and tweet it too,

you could win some book swag, yes YOU!

AT least SIX giveaways, starting at 8

PM Eastern Standard Time, Don’t be late!

T-shirts, books, CD’s and more!

And get the inside scoop, while you score—

Treats and sweets and meets galore.

And here ends the worst poem ever written but I hope it works.
AND you pop by to enter (as many times as you like) to win our Summer Time Grab Bag!

AND mark your calendars – Thursday night! July 11th. 8:00pm EST! For the Twitter Event of the Summer! Holly Starr, KW Walton and Amy Parker will be stopping in to hang with us, so don’t miss out!

Hashtag #playlistfiction 

Meet, I mean, Tweet you there! 🙂

Don’t forget your Post-its! Your Wit! and your Cyber-Smile! 🙂


Ever been to a Twitter Party? And just watched from the sidelines? Any advice for this First-Timer?





That Moment When…

Photo on 2012-06-06 at 13.54 #2

Wow! It’s Friday. Supposed to be Fiction Friday, but this Waterfall Mama is on Vaca-mode and completely forgot to write something fictional. So how ’bout a compromise? Something sort of fictitious? And perhaps even funny, at times. Enjoy. And make sure to share your “moments” as well. Because I WANT to know! 

I’m a moment by moment type of gal, if you couldn’t tell by now. When I’m having a moment, I just need anyone and everyone around me to wait it out. Because, well, it will only take a moment. Hubby has been frustrated with me lately, because he says when I’m having a moment, the world around me has to deal with the aftershocks of my moment, whether for good or for bad. Often, it’s my external processing during a rush-rush moment that gets me in the most trouble. For example, when the morning demands hurry so snacks are packed, lunches are made and breakfast mostly down their throats before we fly out the door to catch the bus, this is not the right time to have a family discussion about our weekend plans. Just sayin. So, in that stressful moment, I have a moment. And like a hurricane that whirls through the kitchen, I cannot relax when the microwave clock just flipped to one minute closer to the school bus’s arrival at the bottom of the street. I just can’t.So, I have a lot of moments. And then I have to calm down and reassure each child that they’ll have great days at school, their mother is only partly insane, and spit used to wipe away milk mustaches is not technically unclean if it comes from your mom. Continue reading

Twitter: To Tweet or Not to Tweet

So I’m doing an introspective examination of my participation of all types of Social Media this week, and today, I thought I’d make like a bird, and fly over to Twitter and discuss the merits of whether “To Tweet or Not to Tweet.” 🙂

So about a year ago, I was freaking out about this new *although not totally new at the time, thing called Twitter. And the pressure to join yet one more time-consuming group that would suck up my minutes. I hesitated. Hemmed and hawed. Made excuse after excuse and finally threw up the question on my Facebook, asking my “friends” whether they were pro or anti-Twitting. The majority said, “Just do it!” and on a cold, winter’s night last November, I took the plunge and dove into the icy waters of Twitter. Because when you have no one following you, it can feel a bit chilly on this side the branches. [Think birds sitting together on a branch, with one sitting all by herself on a tree nearby. Yeah. The lone bird would be me.]

“What are they tweeting about?” Lone Feathers tweets, wishing she could be part of that conversation.

“You can!” One bird ventures over and tweets back, “It’s easy. Just follow me.” Continue reading

What to do While I’m Away!


See you all after 12 Sunrises and Sunsets! 

In Search of Waterfalls is taking her first official vacation! For 12 Days. To seek out new waterfalls, of course. But don’t panic. I’m coming back! And when I return, I hope to bring all you lovely readers fresh stories, fun pics, and maybe even a VLog or two.

So if you’re one of my faithful divers, swimmers, and the like, here’s three things you can do while I’m away… no pressure! 🙂

1.  Catch up on some previous Blog Posts you might have missed. There’s 100+ stories up, so peruse through at your leisure.

2.  Shoot me an email at about some topic you’d love to see me write on. Can’t make any promises, but I’m definitely open to suggestions.

3.  Share my crazy Bloggity blog with ten friends/family members who are looking for something to read during the heat of the summer. HUGS coming atcha!! Thank you Thank you Thank you! & If you haven’t had a chance to “like” my writer page on FB, take a second to pop by and click on “LIKE.” Thank you again!!

I can’t lie. I’m a little nervous to leave the cyber world for fear that I’ll miss something. Yes, I was the kids who wet her pants cuz she didn’t want to miss the fun! But even Michael Hyatt turned off for a vacation, and writes about the hows and whys and benefits now that he’s plugged in again.

I’ll see you all soon at the top of the next waterfall.

In two weeks.

Hasta Hasta!

Grace, Grace,

Rajdeep “Call me Raj” Paulus, AKA Masala Mama ♡♡♡