Facebook Confessions 101


These lists that circulate Facebook, requesting audience participation, connecting friend to friend, kind of like Tag meets Truth or Dare,  are…AWESOME. For the most part. Every once in a while, they annoy me. Like when someone comes up with those, LIST all the friends in your box, and come to find out you’re the one running around the loony bin. Um. Nekid. Yeah, even spelling the word makes me squirm.


But the confessions by the number dealio I kinda like. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy reading all the, “And I never told anyone, but …” peeling back of layers of surface. I feel like I know all of you better. Okay, most of you. Okay, not really. But it’s still been fun.


And, because I’m a writer who nearly always wears her heart on her sleeve, I find it natural to LIKE nearly every post I read with the number sharing facts UNTIL… a comment wasn’t the only thing that got you pinned as the next victim. Someone did a switcheroo and typed, “If you LIKE this, I’ll give you a number.” And I did. Like several. In my ignorance, I didn’t read the fine print. But somehow, and if anyone get’s the award for the most frequently glitched user, it would be me, I didn’t get tagged.


So, instead of pouting all alone on this side of the screen, I thought I’d post one anyway, in an act of rebellious participation. How’s that for the coined oxymoron of the week? 🙂 Continue reading

It’s Rather Simple Really: A Nomi Network Post


Happy Monday Morning, everyone. I know many of you have been losing sleep over the cut on my knee from the other day, just dying to know what happened? Well the wait is over! Read the deets over at Nomi Network and be prepared to take another walk around the block of my u-turn directional life. I don’t know about you, but when life keeps U-turning me to the same message, something tells me I need to wake up and pay attention. Just sayin…


And in other news…

More about Nomi Network!

A MegaGiveaway that is still Brewing!

Swimming Through Clouds still the best deal in town for only $2.99 at Amazon!


Someone, anyone, wanna come over and rake some leaves with me? Leaf Pile pics are calling my name. It’s that time of year when I need to decide just how criminal I’m gonna get in the name of tradition. 🙂

Would You Let Someone In Your Brain? Pacific Rim…A Movie Review of Sorts

DSCN2653With Hubs on vacation this week, he’s had three main goals. One, to fix the tree house. Two—to sleep in. When you’re a doc, sleep is like water or oxygen, you value it with your life. And three—to watch movies and basketball, specifically Bulls’ games. 

Well, the tree house is under construction, and the new roof is coming along. Learned some new words this week, like gambrel, jig and truss. And can’t forget gussets. Sure, the house will look more like a barn when it’s all said and done, but the key is SHE LIVES! Yep, the tree house is like our sixth family member, and we’re so thankful the Town of Oyster Bay gave her a permit to live on! And provide many more days and years of climbing, swinging and sliding fun. And of course, Hubs is already dreaming of ways to make it bigger and badder than before. The good kinda bad. Does anyone still say that, anymore?  Continue reading

Fall is for Falling in Love! Swimming Through Clouds-MEGA Giveaway!

stc_giveaway_contest-fall is for falling in love

My favorite season of the year is fall. Not summer with her hot sun and trips to the beach. Not winter with her sled rides and snow angels. Not spring with her rainy days and scent of blossoms.

But fall. With her reds and yellows and oranges swaying on and off branches. Sparkles of floating embers from bonfires in the evenings. And the crunch of leaves beneath my boots on early morning walks. Okay, afternoon walks. You know I’m not a morning person. 🙂

amazon STCTalia and Lagan, the main characters in Swimming Through Clouds, met in the fall of their senior year in high school. To celebrate their unforgettably sticky, Post-it love story, I’m declaring fall as the best time to fall in love. 🙂 And no better way to celebrate than with a MEGA-Giveaway with lots of Fun Fall Prizes including a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Fifteen Winners will win over $150 worth in prizes. You could be one of them! So whatcha waitin’ for? The Swimming Through Clouds family invites you to jump into our pile of prizes and find plenty of ways to rack up your chances to be a winner. See you in November when the Lucky 15 will be announced! Happy Swimming, all!


CLICK ON a Rafflecopter giveaway 

To JUMP Into a PILE Of Prizes you won’t want to LEAVE behind!

**NOTE: Open to U.S. and Canadian Residents only.

**AMAZON $50 Gift Card Reserved for one Lucky Amazon Reviewer. Because I want to say thank you for sharing your honest take on my first book. AND your questions and concerns are actively shaping the sequel!! 🙂


Have you read Swimming Through Clouds? Have you told your neighbors? Facebook Friends? Mother, sister, BFFs, and teenagers at the park? They say #wordofmouth is still the best way to spread good news!! 🙂


UP TO 50 Chances to Put Your Name in the Hat! 


  • 1 $50 Amazon Gift Card (Only open to Amazon Reviewer Participants!)
  • 1 $25 Starbucks Card for all you Java Lovas!
  • 1 TALIA Blue GIFT Bag of nail polish, lip gloss, Peppermint Bubblegum and a Cloudy-Blue Rainbow-Loom Bracelet!!
  • 5 Winners will receive CANDY!! Treats no tricks! Chocolate, of course!!
  • 7 Winners will receive Swimming Through Clouds Post-its!!


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  • +10~ Read the FREE Chapters of Swimming Through Clouds on AMAZON.~
  • +10~ Share your thoughts on Swimming Through Clouds with an Amazon Review!~
  • +10~ Post a Clouds PIC on Twitter of Facebook! With Amazon Link!
  • +10~ Show me some Pinterest or Instagram Love! With Amazon Link!~


All times are in Eastern Time (US & Canada). 



NOTE: U.S. and Canadian Residents ONLY

Pink Boxing Gloves – Four Years Free

AMC_8415If you’ve followed my blog from the beginning, you know a little about my sister’s battle with Breast Cancer. I wrote Pink Boxing Gloves and Pink Boxing Gloves-Three Year Later, because my sister’s favorite color is Pink. And she’s a fighter!

This October marks her four-year anniversary since she got the clear that she’s  free, and each time she gets a check up, there’s the holding her breath moment right before the doctor says, “We’re good. See you in six months.”

Saw a woman the other day wearing a baseball hat over her completely bald head and was instantly reminded of that time, not that long ago, when my sister lost her hair due to chemo. And if you’re a girl, few things compete with the loss of your crown, your hair, a woman’s glory. Continue reading

Gravity. And Things That Ground Me.

photo-44On a spontaneous Saturday afternoon date, Hubs and I jumped into a “borrowed” dark silver Mini and sped down side streets to catch a 3:20 showing of the new movie, Gravity. Our friend, the owner of the Cooper, left her car in exchange for our SUV to accommodate our kids for a girls afternoon of baking creme brule, eating pizza and watching Cars Two. [Thanks, Ruby!] And when the kids were away, the parents, who could be productive, chose to play.


And Clooney and Bullock delivered, Sandra stealing the show. Of course. After enduring the many minutes of silence in Tom Hanks’ Castaway, Life of Pi was a huge step up between the Tiger and the brilliant narration, but in general, I’m wary of movies where a single character must carry the bulk of the scenes, flying solo. And in the case of Gravity, Sandra Bullock was literally flying solo in her topsy-turvy Survivor meets Lost meets Lost in Space. [Okay, Lost might be a stretch, but I like to think that the theme/phrase, “We have to go back!” kinda worked itself in there, so I’m going with it. 🙂 ] Continue reading

Top Ten Healthcare Questions You Didn’t Think To Ask Me



In light of the first Government Shut Down in eighteen years, I felt compelled to write a post on #healthcare. Since I’m married to a doc, I hear the other side of the story all the time. 

Healthcare reform is all the wrong hands. 

People making the decisions don’t even have a medical background. 

 Now we get paid more for keeping people out of the hospital. Oh, you’re bleeding? Put some pressure on it, take two Aspirin, and you’ll lose five pounds by Wednesday. 

Sure, I suppose that last one I might have taken a little liberty on the interpretation.

 But, I’m not the best patient either. In fact, I just returned from my first physical in like five years, and I can honestly say that healthcare is going to pot.

*NOTE: this is not a knock on my physician. I love her. She’s smart. Funny. And never once, okay, maybe once she reminded me that I haven’t seen her in a long time. BUT, the overall experience was rather disappointing. And here’s why: Continue reading

I Might Not Be Miss America, But… Part Two

photo 3We have to go.


This is the text that came through while I was out-of-town last week. Hubs telling me we need to fork out a few Benjamins for an event that he has to appear at. It’s the “politically” right thing to do.


Sure. I type back. Charge it. Not like we have the cash lying around. In fact, this particular event cost beaucoup bucks last year. They brought the price down this season, but anything times two is more, and Hubs insists I come with him.


A day before the event, Hubs sends me another text. Someone bought us 2 tix. We’re going for FREE! Nothing like that four letter word that brings a smile to my face!


And before I rub the sleep from eyes the next morning, a friend texts to say she’s free to hang out. Sorry, we have plans, I text plan. She responds, Okay, I’ll take the girls for you. Babysitting fell in our laps, and as I blow dry my hair, I imagine my fairy Godmother saying, “See, it’s all gonna work out. Now about your dress…” Continue reading

I Might Not be Miss America, But…



The Lovely Tosca Lee!

Almost a week ago, I nearly chip my bubblegum pink nail polish as I fiddle with my nails on the drive to the airport. Nothing like battling NYC traffic on the LIE while running late to a flight to get your fingers a’biting and knees a’shaking. Hug and two smooches later, Hubby drives off and I’m asking Airport security if I can be escorted to the front of the line. My plane takes off in half an hour.

“Do you have Special Business Class Priority Check-in Status?” The lady in uniform asks me something like that.

“Umm. No.”

“You have plenty of time,” she says. Meaning, get in line with the rest of the world and wait it out.

Flip-flops slipped on, jacket tucked under suitcase handle, laptop on my shoulder, I race down Terminal D to find the Delta flight to Indianapolis leaving in now fifteen minutes. Except that I read the screen wrong. Not arriving flights! Departing! Backtrack to the fork and now I’m jogging with luggage in tow down Terminal C. And it would have to be C29, the furthest possible gate from where I was on take one.

And then it happens. Continue reading

A Not so Ordinary Interview of author Melissa Tagg

New_Made to Last2You know that moment when the Hollywood hottie in the long evening gown gets to introduce the nominees of the next Grammy? Well, this is that moment, minus the long dress (wearing sweats right now) and the lady you’re about to meet is more fun than a night at the Grammy’s any day. Seriously love this chica and excited for her writer journey to take off. Her debut book, Made To Last, is available now for your reading pleasure.  So… without further delay, please pull up a chair, read on, and get to know the lovely Melissa Tagg.


Raj: When you were six months old, [think hard, the memories are there somewhere,] did you find a nut and then attach it to a bolt, and think right there on the spot, one day, I will write a book that involves tools? Kidding. But as a kid, did you mess with your dad’s toolbox, help him change the oil on the car? Did you have brothers or a boyfriend that sparked the whole Home Depot play in Made to Last? In essence, what inspired the setting or set in your case of the story?

Melissa: Haha, umm…here’s the thing: Continue reading