Landing the Plane – A 9.11 Post

Photo Credit: Chris Bopp of Bopp Shots

Photo Credit: Chris Bopp of Bopp Shots

So I have this pilot friend. Who chooses to remain anonymous. So for the sake of the story, let’s call him “Bill.”

I met Bill on the flight back from Alaska, on our ten year anniversary. Hubs fell asleep before the plane took off, and I can never sleep on planes. Bill sat across the aisle, sporting his Pilot uniform and American Airlines pin. So I couldn’t help but introduce myself. And get the inside scoop on all things Blue Skies.

“So they say planes are super safe. Safer than driving. Is it true?”

“Oh for sure. The safest you are is in the air.” Bill was happy to engage this curious insomniac. “Then when you land, and cab it down the LIE in Queens, that’s the more dangerous than playing outside during a lightning storm.”

“Really? By the way, hi, my name’s Rajdeep. But you can call me Raj.” Because I hate having long and meaningful conversations with people and tagging the “Bye, I’ll never see you again. Oh and by the way, my name is…” on the end.

“Bill. You can call me, umm, Bill, for short.” Continue reading

First Day of School Must Knows



The sound of Family Force5 on my iPhone jars me out of a really good dream. Darn that alarm just when I’m getting to the part where I fly across an ocean with wings made of see-through glass. So what if Wonder Woman was my favorite super hero growing up. I see no connection.

My now two middle-schoolers are already changed, and my oldest is crossing things off a list—her new go-to way of being organized. One day down, only 300ish to go. Time to make the pancakes.  Continue reading

Mommy, What’s Twerk Mean?

AMC_8259Read the tweets and Facebook statuses of millions for the last two days if you’re confused by the Blog Title. And to be honest, I have no intention of rehashing the general schools of thought circulating, but I will tell you that they tend to side with shock and embarrassment; wow, you go girl; or same old, same bold.

I find it interesting that Miley Cyrus’ twerking got labeled tasteless by some, because Robin Thicke, the artist performing while Miley did her thang, is a dad and a husband. Last I heard, Miley’s still engaged to Liam Hemsworth. And according to those oh so reliable Hollywood reporters, Paula Patton, Robin’s wife, barely batted an eyelash.

So what’s my point, you might ask? Continue reading

Minty Makeover-a Girl’s Room DIY


Each time we’ve began some sort of home improvement project in the house, whether it’s installing a pergola carport outside my house, spring-cleaning the pantry, installing organizers and shelving in the bathroom, or sorting through the spot next to the microwave, although for this there are also services as you can get from for this. You know the place. We all have one in our kitchens, where mail, school notices, small toys picked up after being stepped on get shoved. Until it’s an impending avalanche upon slightest touch zone. The place where you’re better off pointing to it and just saying, “It’s in there. Somewhere,” and turning your back before the rolling eyes suggest you had something to do with it. Improving my house’ security, I recommend by installing a fence outside your door to secure your house further and I recommend fence contractor simi valley.

Well, I cleaned that spot the other day. It looks so neat and nice, I don’t want anyone to touch it. Worse part, I forgot to take the “before” pic, so my friends who don’t come around every week would believe me when I described the niche as dangerous. 


And I always forget to take the before pics. Which drives me nuts, because without them, it’s hard to truly see the extent of change and progress that was made. If you want to see progress and give your home a minty, new feel, repair your old AC with Green Horizon. Green Horizon is the best AC Repair in Durham business. Your new and improved AC unit will be a splendid addition to your home. Continue reading

Warrior of the Ages by S.R. Karfelt



Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes it takes me three times before I’ve realized I already met you. I attribute this to my social media infused brain that doesn’t know how or if I should differentiate between a friend and a Facebook friend, a follower or a fan, a like or a LIKE. Yep, I’m that person who’s on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, and Pinterest. And if they start a Woogler for those of us who don’t know what to do with our free seconds left after updating all our Statuses, I’ll be the second on board. First after the guy who reads this, jump-starts Woogler, and makes millions. Sigh. Hope he puts a tiny Sticky Note on his desk that says, “Thanks, Raj,” to remind him he didn’t make it big alone. Because, let’s face it, no one, makes it anywhere, alone.


So, let me introduce to you the lovely Stephanie Karfelt, one of the sassiest, craziest, entertaining bloggers I discovered a couple of years back. Turns out, we had met. Both in person and online before I realized we were “friends.” Then we became friends. And I’m so glad we did. 🙂

Her first book just launched! Glitz, fireworks, and high heel cupcakes graced the big par-tay, which I sadly missed, but wanted to give you a peek into her world and invite you to check out Warrior of Ages, the first in a series she’s been writing for some time now.


So without further adieu (Cuz I like to turn on my French-Canadian since you can’t hear the drum roll …) Continue reading

Who Went Swimming This Summer?

And what they’re saying about Clouds.


Just thought I’d share a few links to Book Reviews on Swimming Through Clouds that Readers have so graciously offered to post after they read my first novel.

At Brown Girl Magazine:

At Talking Cranes:

At The Borrowed Book:

At Commotion in the Pews:

At Living Life Bright: 

At Brilliantly Novel:

At To Love, Honor and Vacuum:

As more reviews come in, I’ll add to this list. Thanks so much to all the Reviewers and their encouraging feedback on my little girl BIG Dream!

Convinced yet? Take a swim then. Swimming Through Clouds, that is!





Got Post-its?

photo-34Got Post-its? Then, Stick someone with a note. And tell ‘em how much you *heart* them. Or just want to say, “Hi!” or that you Miss ‘em. Or want to say, “Thanks” for this or that. Or just want to tell them that you’re thinking about ‘em. Or other. The options, really are endless. Besides the small space confining you to a limited number of legible words on a little square sheet, you can tell someone just about anything. Really.


Six Easy Steps to #PostitLove Success:

Step One: Pull out your Post-it pad. Yellow, Blue, Pink or Purple. Think of someone you want to send out a surprise message to. It’s like sending a letter without the stamps, trip to the Post office or three-day wait time to see it got there.


Or Peach!!

Or Peach!!

Step Two: Find a writing device. Pen, pencil, marker. Crayon will do. I know, I know, with all the typing and tapping, sweeping and swiping, writing on paper is almost a lost art. But I know you have something to write with, somewhere under a pile of unchecked mail. Find it!


Step Three: Write a word or two. Doodle a drawing. Scribble and scribe. Keep it simple. Share a smile. Spread the love.


Step Four: Photograph your post-it. Nearly every digital device out there has your basic camera function, so snap a shot, and..


Step Five: You thought I was gonna say, “Share” didn’t you? But one Final detail: Tag the person you’re sending the note to [kind of like putting an address on it so the person finds out you wrote them a note. You do want them to know, don’t you?] and then:


Step Six: SHARE. Share. share.


This is a sort of selfish venture, since I’m “collecting” Post-it messages for a Tumbler project I’m working on that connects to my first Young Adult novel, Swimming Through Clouds, in which a Post-it sparks a sticky romance between two unlikely friends.


To say Thank You for jumping on my sticky note adventure with me, I have something for you, yes I do!


The first twenty-five, 25, yes, 25 people to post some Post-it love with Hashtags #PostitLove and #swimmingthroughclouds @rajdeeppaulus, either on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook get a book of POST-its in the mail! Snail-mail, stamps and all. 🙂 **If you don’t @rajdeeppaulus, I won’t know and it will be really hard to find you.


And if you’re looking for that summer read that I think will Stick with you long after summer’s gone, hop over to Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Smashwords. Read a few chapters free online, peruse the reviews and then take a swim. Swimming Through Clouds, that is. 🙂

No substitutions. Restricted to U.S. residents.

No substitutions. Restricted to U.S. residents.

And if you want to know more about the crazy girl who wrote this cu-razy story, Melissa Tagg posted a fun interview with a FAB intro video! Commenters have a chance to enter for an E-copy GIVEAWAY of the book, too. And Playlist Fiction is also doing a super fun, SUMMER Gift Bag full of fun stuff GIVEAWAY all July with unlimited entries! So whatcha waitin for?!?


Starting a #SwimmingThroughClouds Post-it Drive to promote the idea that one small act, even in the form of a note, can make a BIG difference, even change someone’s world. Because, in the words of my Agent, Chip MacGregor, words have the power to move you, and leave you changed. Forever.



And you? Do you use sticky notes to remind you of things you have to do? Great ideas you don’t want to forget? Or to doodle to pass the time while on a long-winded conference call? Do you have a favorite Post-it color? Mine is lilac. Yep. Love me some Lilac-scented Post-its. What do you mean they don’t smell like Lilacs? Because they should. Just sayin.

Treats and Tweets make Summer Sweet!

No substitutions. Restricted to U.S. residents.

No substitutions. Restricted to U.S. residents.

Nope. Not changing from YAfiction to Poetry, so my rhyming skills will MOSTly stop at the title. BUT,

You must know,

If you go,

To PlaylistFiction dot com,

Su-weet stuff from TOM-

-my Hilfiger is waiting to be won!

And you don’t even have to run

a marathon or climb a wall

or dress up for a ball

or go to the mall.


hashtag: #playlistfiction

hashtag: #playlistfiction

If you pop over to Twitter Thurs night,

With a post-it pad ready to write

a little note and tweet it too,

you could win some book swag, yes YOU!

AT least SIX giveaways, starting at 8

PM Eastern Standard Time, Don’t be late!

T-shirts, books, CD’s and more!

And get the inside scoop, while you score—

Treats and sweets and meets galore.

And here ends the worst poem ever written but I hope it works.
AND you pop by to enter (as many times as you like) to win our Summer Time Grab Bag!

AND mark your calendars – Thursday night! July 11th. 8:00pm EST! For the Twitter Event of the Summer! Holly Starr, KW Walton and Amy Parker will be stopping in to hang with us, so don’t miss out!

Hashtag #playlistfiction 

Meet, I mean, Tweet you there! 🙂

Don’t forget your Post-its! Your Wit! and your Cyber-Smile! 🙂


Ever been to a Twitter Party? And just watched from the sidelines? Any advice for this First-Timer?





Tumble into More Waterfalls


Looking for more YAFiction by Rajdeep Paulus?

Take a Swim over to her Tumbler and check out her WIPz (works in progress.)

More to come! Summer tides are rolling in, and so will some deleted scenes from Swimming Through Clouds and a sneak peek at the beginning of Seeing Through Stones. The anticipated sequel to Swimming. So stay tuned, and have a happy and safe summer, all!


Extra squeezy hugs to all who have read, are currently reading or will soon be reading Swimming Through Clouds. You’ve all made my first book experience so much more amazing then I had ever imagined it would be.




Grace, Grace,

Would Cinderella say, “Call me, maybe…?”

High Res cover Cinderella Rule-1Here with the lovely Bethany Jett, today. And super excited to share this fun interview with you. Because, Bethany is a doll, both inside and out, and she has such a heart for teens and healthy relationships, two of my heartbeats. I think that’s why we clicked right away when we first met. I knew from our first conversation that she didn’t have all the answers, but she has some pretty challenging insights on the whole madness of dating. And I, for one, think her new book The Cinderella Rule is worth a read if you’re in the midst of Dating Daze, a parent of teens, or someone who works closely with high school or colllege students.

So please allow me to introduce you to Bethany Jett. Now. 🙂
Raj: Another book about dating! What makes this one different, in your opinion? And when should a teen read this? Before or during a relationship?
Bethany: The Cinderella Rule is all about how to be pursued, and teaches how much access to give a guy during the various stages of dating. I think teens should read this book immediately!–regardless of where you are in your dating life. If you haven’t dated anyone, it’ll help you avoid some common dating mistakes and teach you how to make a guy want to chase you. If you have dated, or are dating someone, it can help you assess your relationship and give you a basis for where your relationship is headed.
Raj: So your favorite Disney Princess is… Cinderella? Are you implying that every girl has a Prince out there waiting for her? Unpack the title a little for me! 🙂 Continue reading